Welcome to the NHS Grampian Maternity Services Website

This website is dedicated to providing information on maternity services offered in Grampian. We are here to support you throughout your pregnancy, during the birth of your baby and in the early days after your baby is born. We aim to provide the best possible care to families across Grampian.

Contacting Us

Please never hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions or concerns. A midwife is always available to talk to if you need some advice or reassurance.

If you have any non-urgent questions please contact your community midwife.

If you have any urgent concerns , for example if you feel unwell, think you are in labour, if your baby is not moving as normal or if you have any other concerns please do not hesitate to call. There is a midwife available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to give you advice.


Inverurie Community Maternity Unit – 01467 670920

Peterhead Community Maternity Unit – 01779482445

Triage, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital – 01224 558855

Maternity Unit, Dr Grays Elgin – 01343 567220

The information contained on this website will use the terms mother, woman, partner and breastfeeding throughout. We recognise that not all birth parents will identify as a mother and that they may use the term chestfeeding. Your health care providers and our volunteers will use the language that you are comfortable with when supporting you directly, please just let them know your terms.

This website has been created in partnership with the Grampian Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP)