Hand Expressing

Hand expressing requires no equipment other than a sterilised container if you are planning to feed the milk to baby. You’ll be shown how to hand express (or how to use an electric pump if using) whilst you’re in hospital. Page 52 and 53 in Off to a Good Start give you a step by step guide in hand expression. Our breastfeeding peer supporters can help to guide you with hand expressing technique too.

Tips that will help include:

❤️ Having a relaxing environment – music, soft lights.

❤️ Warmth (on the breast and the environment).

❤️ Having your baby near you, smelling an item of their clothing, looking at pictures and videos of your baby or thinking of your baby.

❤️ Covering whatever you are collecting the milk in so you aren’t concentrating on the volume of milk you are expressing.

Hand expressing gives a better hormonal response than using a pump and is good for obtaining colostrum and targeting a specific area. Colostrum doesn’t squirt like mature milk does and any amount you can express is extremely valuable.

In general, the amount you express isn’t an indication of your supply in general because the hormonal response isn’t stimulated in quite the same way. The video clip below is great for showing how to hand express and shows a mum who is expressing mature milk.