Medication and Breastmilk

Taking medication does not usually mean that a mother has to stop breastfeeding temporarily or permanently. Before prescribing for any mother and baby pair several factors should be taken into consideration:

💊 The need of the mother for treatment and any particular drug.

💊 The age and maturity of the baby – liver and kidney systems do not work fully for some time after birth. Premature babies are particularly susceptible to drugs and may exhibit higher than expected drug levels.

💊 The volume of breastmilk being taken daily – a fully fed two-week-old baby consumes more milk than a nine-month-old feeding just once or twice a day.

💊 Information available on the safety of the drug.

The Breastfeeding Network Drugs in Information service can answer questions about your medication and breastfeeding either in their factsheets or via e-mail. For more information, have a look at the following link:

National Breastfeeding Helpline