Obstetric Unit

In Grampian we have one obstetric unit which is located within Aberdeen Maternity Hospital. This unit is called Labour Ward.

What is an Obstetric Unit?

An obstetric unit means it is a unit that has on site access to specialist services such as; obstetricians, operating theatres, as well as specialist neonatal and anaesthetic care. Midwives will provide the direct care to all women during their stay in labour ward with access and support from medical staff around decision making and performing certain procedures if labour or birth becomes more complicated.

The labour ward is often the place of birth recommended to women who have certain complications in their current and/or previous pregnancies which will require additional monitoring or support during labour, when it is known the baby with require additional support or care at birth or for women who know they wish to have an epidural during labour.

What facilities does the unit have?

  • There are nine birthing rooms available. 
  • Each birth room has access to a full range of equipment should it be required to monitor you and your baby during your labour and birth.
  • The rooms do not have ensuite facilities however there are bathrooms located a short walk from each of the room. 
  • You will have access to birthing balls- these can be used even when we are monitoring your baby. If you’d prefer to bring your own birthing ball, you are welcome to do so.
  • There are Bluetooth speakers available to enable you to enjoy your own choice of relaxing music.
  • There are no birthing pools available on the labour ward.
  • There is a range of pain relief options available to you. Including; gas and air (Entonox), morphine injection, remifentanil and epidural.
  • There are two maternity theatres available just minutes away from the labour ward.
  • There is one large four bedded recovery area within labour ward for women to be cared for during the first few hours following theatre.
  • There are resuscitaire are available just outside the birthing rooms should your baby require any assistance at birth. 

After your baby is born

After you have had your baby you will spend the first few hours being cared for by the midwives on labour ward.

If there is any further monitoring or support recommended for you or your baby you will be transferred to the postnatal ward for this ongoing care. If all is well with you and your baby and no further checks or monitoring is required you may be able to go straight home from labour ward when the time is right and appropriate for you and your baby.

The pictures on this page have been kindly shared by mums who have given birth in Labour Ward, AMH

Finding the Unit

Address:  Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, Cornhill Rd, Aberdeen AB25 2ZL

When arriving at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital the reception will check your details then ask you to make your way to the labour ward entrance where there is a bell to the left hand side for you to ring and a member of the team will greet you at the door.