Pelvic floor exercises

During your pregnancy

During your pregnancy your pelvic floor muscles will loosen due to hormonal changes in your body. This loosening, along with your growing baby pressing on your bladder, may cause you to leak urine when you cough, laugh, sneeze or exercise.  This is called stress incontinence. Having strong pelvic floor muscles means you’ll be less likely to have issues like stress incontinence after your baby is born.

Please visit the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists website for more tips to strengthen your pelvic floor.


Please view our video on Physiotherapy Advice in Pregnancy for more information.

You can also find out more information on pelvic floor exercises in the short video below and by clicking here.

Please download this information leaflet for more advice on pregnancy exercises and how to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy, including more details on pelvic floor exercises.

After you baby is born

Pelvic floor exercises are also extremely important after you have had your baby. You can start your pelvic floor exercises as soon as you feel comfortable after having your baby. It may be the last thing on your mind but it will really benefit you.

Please download this information leaflet on essential advice and exercises following childbirth.