Skin to Skin Contact

Skin to Skin contact is when your baby is placed naked directly on your tummy or breasts immediately after birth, regardless of whether your birth was vaginal or via caesarean section.

Skin to skin is so important for all babies, regardless of how your thinking of feeding them.

  • It stimulates release of prolactin and oxytocin (which helps your uterus contract to prevent heavy bleeding).
  • Calms, reassures and relaxes you and your baby.
  • Regulates your baby’s heart rate and breathing.
  • Regulates your baby’s temperature.
  • Stimulates breast-seeking behaviour and interest in feeding.
  • Stimulates endorphin release which have a painkilling effect and contribute to a ‘high’ for both you and your baby.
  • Protects your baby from infection as it helps to colonise them with your friendly bacteria which will help build up their immune system.

Skin to skin should continue uninterrupted for as long as you wish. The midwives will talk about the magical hour after birth which means leaving washing or dressing until later on, with only medical procedures you consent to delaying or interrupting your choice to having skin to skin.

If for any reason you are unable to have skin to skin, many of the benefits of bonding and calming the baby through skin to skin contact can be enjoyed between baby and your partner until you can return to that lovely cuddle.
