Small Tummies and Frequent Feeding

Babies have small tummies

We very briefly mentioned how tiny babies tummies are when they are first born, so wanted to post a picture that illustrates the sizes of baby’s tummy at different stages within the first month. A lot of parents worry that their baby isn’t getting enough milk – it’s one of the most common questions!

As you can see from the photo below, a baby’s tummy is very small and to begin with can’t hold more than a teaspoon of milk (5-7ml). Healthy, term babies take what they need, when they need it and when you see just how tiny their tummies are, you realise they that don’t need a massive amount at each feed. And even with these tummy sizes, imagine how it would feel if you filled your tummy to capacity every time you fed? No baby will completely fill their stomach out of choice.

We really hope the picture below reassures you. This is also a good time to consider that in certain circumstances (usually early or poorly babies) it is possible to access donor breastmilk through Milk Bank Scotland. If you have any questions about Milk Bank for Scotland, please do ask your Midwife / Health Visitor / Family Nurse.

Babies need to feed frequently

With their tiny tummies, your baby will feed frequently and not only will they be feeding because they are feeling a bit hungry, there will also be feeds that are for comfort and also feeding to help increase your milk supply.

You would expect your baby to have a minimum of 8 feeds in a 24 hour period. Feeding and sleeping pattern will be erratic in the early weeks, but please be reassured that some sort of rhythm will start to emerge as your baby gets older.

Remember that breastfeeding is a two way relationship and you can feed baby whenever you want to. You can not overfeed a breastfed baby at the breast and you can not spoil a baby. Your breasts might be feeling a bit full, you may be planning to nip out for a walk or perhaps you just want to sit down, have a cuddle and enjoy the boost of oxytocin.