Storing your expressed breastmilk

Storing your expressed milk

Storage of expressed breastmilk is pretty straightforward.

Make sure all equipment such as pump, bottles or bags are sterile. Expressed milk can be kept at room temperature for up to 6 hours direct from your breast.

It can be kept in a fridge for 3 – 5 days if temperature is constant (not in the door but low down at the back of the fridge). You can also freeze for up to 6 months (in a domestic freezer) if you know you’re not going to use within the next couple of days.

You can use breastmilk storage bags that are simple to write the date/amount/time on with a pen. If you express small amounts several times a day, cool each collection first in the fridge before mixing together to make a larger feed, timing it from the first (oldest) collection. Storing your milk in small quantities means that your breastmilk isn’t wasted if baby doesn’t take what you have prepared.

When you want to use your milk

Ideally, defrost frozen breastmilk in the fridge. This milk should be used once fully defrosted which usually takes about 12 hours.

If your breastmilk is still frozen after this time or you need to use it quickly, try defrosting under cool, then warm, running water. Dry the outside of the container with kitchen paper before use and use immediately.

If you frequently find your milk is frozen after 12 hours in the fridge, try to freeze in smaller quantities.

Breastmilk should not be defrosted in the microwave because it heats unevenly, destroying antibodies and nutrients. There is also a risk of scalds and the milk would need to be left at room temperature before use. It should not be re-frozen.

If you have any milk left over after a feed, it can be kept at room temperature and used within an hour – don’t reheat it or put back in the fridge for later.

Don’t worry about double-checking if you need the details of storage again when your baby arrives.

The Breastfeeding Network has some more information on expressing and storing breastmilk available by clicking here.