Using donor milk and becoming a breastmilk donor

Donor Breastmilk

For some parents their breastfeeding journey will include donor breast milk. Milk Bank Scotland provides screened pasteurised human milk to babies who have no or limited access to their own mothers milk. These babies are often born prematurely.

Premature babies are born with immature intestines and immature immune systems. They are often at greater risk of infection and Necrotising Enterocolitis, a potentially fatal gut condition. Breast milk from a baby’s own mother is always the first choice but this may not always be available especially in the first few days of life. Donated breast milk is the next best alternative.

Donors are screened and the milk heat treated. You can find out more at how it all works by clicking here.

Becoming a Milk Donor

Becoming a donor is an amazing step and could help many babies. Your own baby is the priority, so we only take milk that is truly surplus to your baby’s needs.

To be a donor, it’s preferable if your baby is under 9 months when you make your first donation. We can also take stored milk that is less than 90 days old. You can donate for as long as you like, there is no upper age limit.

For more information click here.